When you're considering the open road, there's nothing quite like the allure of a brand new motorcycle. Investing in a new bike isn't just about the thrill of the ride—it's about making a smart choice for your lifestyle and your finances. New motorcycles come with the latest technology and advancements in engineering, ensuring a more efficient, safe, and enjoyable ride. They also tend to have better fuel economy and lower emissions, which is not only good for your wallet but the environment too.

Guaranteed Quality

When you choose a new motorcycle, you're choosing guaranteed quality. From the moment you turn the key, you can be confident that every component has been meticulously tested and designed to meet exacting standards. The latest models boast superior craftsmanship, with manufacturers using high-quality materials that stand the test of time.

Packed with Power

Today's new motorcycles are marvels of power and performance. They're equipped with engines that deliver a smooth yet exhilarating ride, whether you're navigating city streets or cruising on the highway. Advanced technology means that power doesn't come at the expense of control. Modern bikes feature sophisticated suspension systems, responsive brakes, and electronic aids that help you handle all that horsepower with ease.

Most Up-to-Date Style

A new motorcycle isn't just a mode of transportation—it's a statement. The latest models showcase the most up-to-date styles, with sleek lines, cutting-edge design, and a level of detail that reflects the rider's personality. Owning a new bike means you're at the forefront of trends, setting the standard for what's cool on two wheels.

If you’re ready to treat yourself to a brand new motorcycle, check out all the latest models available at Bartels' Harley-Davidson® in Marina Del Rey, California. We also proudly serve those in Malibu, Santa Monica, Brentwood, and surrounding areas. Visit us today!