Going for a motorcycle ride is not only an adventure, it's advantageous for your health. Each ride can help prevent negative health effects and add positive health perks. It's a less discussed, but still notable, benefit to the motorcycle lifestyle.

Keep reading to discover the many ways riding a motorcycle boosts your health. If you want to shop motorcycles for sale, visit Bartels' Harley-Davidson. Our dealership is located in Marina Del Rey, California, and we also serve those in Malibu and Santa Monica.

Get a Full Body Workout

Riding a motorcycle requires plenty of physical exertion. Riders must engage a variety of muscles to maintain proper rider posture, such as their core, shoulders, legs, and back. Longer rides require even greater physical endurance. Motorcycle riding helps build up muscle strength while enjoying adrenaline rushes! It's a lot more exciting than weight lifting in the gym.

Prevent the Physical Harms of Stress

Stress is an unpleasant sensation, but it also is harmful for your health. It can damage nearly every part of the human body, from the digestive system to the cardiovascular system. Many scientific studies are even finding stress as a leading cause of many doctor and hospital visits. 

Modern life is chaotic and it's easy to get overwhelmed with stress. But it's important for your health (and sanity) to fight back and try to prevent this damage. One great way to fight stress is going for a motorcycle ride!

With every motorcycle ride, you get adrenaline and endorphins. This chemicals not only make us feel happier, but they help reduce stress levels and, in turn, help prevent the harm from stress.

Give Your Brain a Workout

An important part of physical health is brain health. A sharp mind is a huge advantage, especially in later years of life. Motorcycle riding is a great way to keep your mind sharp.

Riding a motorcycle is a much more active activity than other forms of transportation, such as driving a car. Motorcyclists face a higher number of threats on the road and they can be more dangerous. It requires intense active engagement to safely navigate the road. This high level of focus helps workout the brain and, in turn, boost brain health. Each time you go for a motorcycle ride instead of other forms of transportation, you help strengthen your brain.

Ready to take advantage of these health benefits and get your own motorcycle? Bartels' Harley-Davidson offers a range of motorcycles for sale. Our experts can help you pick the best model for your budget and needs, so reach out today. Contact us or stop by our dealership in Marina Del Rey, California. We also proudly serve those in Malibu and Santa Monica, California.