Motorcycle Safety Tips From Bartel's Harley-Davidson®Riding a motorcycle isn’t for everyone. There’s some inherent risk to being on just two wheels and having to use balance to keep yourself upright while travelling at high speeds. Safety is even more important than it is when driving a car. You most likely had to take a riding class in order to get your motorcycle endorsement, so you know the basics of safe riding. But what about the other elements that go into making riding safer? This short guide brought to you by Bartels’ Harley-Davidson will show you some tricks and tips that you might not have previously considered. Located in Marina Del Rey, California, we proudly serve customers from Malibu, Santa Monica, and Los Angeles.

Consider the Weather

Here in Southern California, we get just about as much sunshine as we want. But that can be a problem in and of itself. On one hand, it can lull you into a sense of complacency that causes you to miss when the bad weather does come. It might be sunny 300 days a year, but you don’t want to be caught in a cloudburst because you thought the odds were in your favor that it would be! And then there’s the matter of that sun. Riding may not be a strenuous activity, but it will naturally tend to raise your body temperature. If you’re overdressed for the ride on a hot day you could quickly become dehydrated and overheated. Severe dehydration can affect your motor skills and make it more likely that you get in an accident. Heat stroke can cause more acute problems, and even lead to severe headaches, nosebleeds, and vomiting. All of that may not sound life threatening, but if it comes on while you’re cruising at 75 mph down Interstate 5, you could end up in serious trouble.

The Pre-Ride Inspection

Before you ever head out, it’s important to perform a comprehensive pre-ride inspection. For many car owners, this sort of treatment seems unnecessary. You simply leave your car parked in the driveway until the next time you want to drive it. But on a bike, the stakes are raised to a much higher level, and if your bike is in bad shape, it could lead to a wreck. Start by checking out your tires. The air pressure should be in line with manufacturer recommendations, and the tread should be wearing evenly and free of bald patches or foreign objects. Moving up, the brakes should apply smoothly and evenly without any grinding or vibration. Check the structural elements of the bike for any cracking or bending, and then check the lights in front and back to make sure they are functioning. The throttle should open and close with ease and without sticking, and the engine fluids should be topped off and fresh.

Finding Good Equipment

You’ll also want to make sure you have the right riding equipment. Once again, here in what is basically a desert, you probably won’t get much use out of rain gear. But other forms of riding gear are no less important. You’ll want a solid pair of boots to shield your feet from rocks and pebbles kicked up from the road and to provide a sturdy platform for planting at stops. A pair of durable pants can help to shield your legs from the heat from your engine. Gloves are extremely helpful because they help provide grip, even when your hands are sweaty. Finally, and most importantly, you should invest in a quality helmet. This should provide as much coverage as possible and should fit your head correctly.

Maintaining Focus

Staying safe on a motorcycle is all about keeping your focus on the task at hand. For this reason, it’s extremely to ingest mind altering substances before you ride. Don’t drink or take recreational drugs, and make sure your medication won’t affect your motor skills. You should also avoid riding if you’re too tired or can’t keep your focus on the road.

Hopefully this brief guide offered a few new ideas for staying safe the next time you ride. If you needs services for your motorcycle, stop by Bartels’ Harley-Davidson in Marina Del Rey. We work hard to make sure all of our customers leave happy. If you live in Santa Monica or Malibu, stop by today!